Sunol Disaster and Emergency Preparedness

Did you know Sunol has a Wildfire Action Plan written in 2017? Scroll to the bottom of this page, and click on the link to download Sunol’s plan.

When an earthquake or wildfire hits, how will the citizens of Sunol react?

In the event of a natural disaster, Sunolians must first rely on themselves, neighbors and the community.  By being prepared, alert and informed we will get through it all.
Join your neighbors at a special Sunol Citizens’ Advisory Council meeting held on a special day, Thursday, August 22 at 6:30pm at the Sunol Glen School cafeteria. 

The focus will be on Disaster and Emergency Preparedness.

Speakers will include Alameda Country Fire Department Division Chief John Walsh, Sunol CERT Coordinator Lynn Kosma, and Cheryl Miller, Diablo Fire Safe Council Executive Director. The speakers will cover topics such as fire hardening homes, creating defensible space, emergency planning and when all else fails: evacuation.

Be Prepared, Be Aware and Be Safe.

Did you know Sunol has a Wildfire Action Plan written in 2017? Click the link below to download the PDF.